A complete user feedback module for your help center

Empowered users, improved content

zendesk guide - help center article - feedback module - opservator.com (downvote)


Users provide a reason for the negative feedback so that your team can follow-up and review the article content.

Close the loop

Users can also add their own comment and optionally share their email address in case they need a response.


Adapt the module’s colors and fonts to match your brand. Access to the code allows for advanced customization.


Use Zendesk’s dynamic content feature to present the module in multiple languages on your help center articles.

Continuously improve your content

Although useful, Zendesk’s native article voting feature isn’t versatile enough to provide insights into your visitors’ frustration. By adding a simple question to the downvoting user experience, you’ll be getting the same downvote from your visitors, only with contextualized feedback.

Our module also generates a ticket in Zendesk Support which you’ll be able to assign to your content editors. And because we can’t guess people’s frustrations when visiting our content, users can optionally share their email address so that we can follow-up and close the loop by replying to them.

Let your users give you a hand

Asking the relevant questions to visitors who downvote your articles will enable you to efficiently identify user pain points.

Content management is difficult, especially when we have hundreds or thousands of articles. It’s easy to neglect some of our content and difficult to guess where something is wrong.

With this module you’re enabling your help center visitors to flag content that might need a revision… And we’re certain your content team will appreciate it!

If you’d like to present different options than those seen on the examples in this page, that’s also possible.

zendesk guide - help center article - feedback module - downvote click
Get more from user engagement

Your help center visitors are also able to share more details by using an additional text box where they can input whatever they consider pertinent.

A ticket will be created in Zendesk Support immediately after form submission. The ticket description will contain the user’s comment and the issue selected (the latter as a tag which you can adapt by creating a custom ticket field).

As you can see in the example animation, the user can also choose to share their email address, in case they’d like to receive a response. If they don’t input their email, the ticket requester will be one of your agents.

zendesk guide - help center article - feedback module - opservator.com (downvote custom message)

Our feedback module allows you to create Guide-specific views so that your content team can handle feedback tickets. And if a distracted visitor used the feedback form to request assistance, your team can always reassign to support.

zendesk guide - help center article - feedback module - tickets created
zendesk guide - help center article - feedback module - ticket example
Reporting and analysis

Your feedback ticket data will then be available in Zendesk Explore (depending on the Zendesk plan you’re subscribed to), allowing you and your team to build valuable reports and/or dashboards.

Explore allows you to build article feedback-related data such as:

  • Article URL
  • Downvote reason
  • Article language
  • Submitter email address
zendesk explore query - guide feedback module - daily downvotes per reason

Explore your user feedback data.

Examples and use cases

  • If 50% or more of your help center visitors report outdated content, it could mean your content team has a laid back approach to content revision, so they might want to reduce recurrence for this task.
  • By reporting report 404 errors (broken links and/or images), your visitors are contributing to a positive SEO rating by search engines.
  • If the same article starts being downvoted because it does not answer the user’s question(s), this could mean a good opportunity to create new content, as your content team will review those tickets in order to pinpoint the issue not being addressed in your help center.

Get in touch

Let’s take your help center to the next level.